Scholarship Fund
One of our most celebrated functions as a running group is to raise money to help send graduating seniors from Half Moon Bay High School to college. We usually award money to two recipients, one male one female, who are on the cross-country team. The award is presented in May of each year.
If you're interested in contributing to this purpose, or would like to know more about our fund, please email at

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Belinda Morales (far left)
Moss Michelson (far right)
They each received $6k and and our enthusiasm, as shown the the picture with CRC members Paula and Rachael.

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Matthew Spink
Anna Bikle
They each received $850 and a goody bag from A Runner's Mind. Congratulations!

Our three scholarships were awarded to:
Kenneth Jones
Julia Minkstein
Erik Garcia Perez
They each received $1,000. Congratulations!

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Claire Yerby
Joshua Warner-Carey
They each received $500. Congratulations!

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Daniela Corona
James McEachen
They each received $700 plus a nice goody-bag. Congratulations!

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Natan Cristol-Deman
Natalia Sophia Jones
They each received $1,300 plus a nice goody-bag from A Runner's Mind! Congratulations!

Our two scholarships were awarded to:
Julia Kathe Neal
Sampson Brooke Bell Reynolds
They each received $1,000 plus a $100 gift certificate to A Runner's Mind! Congratulations!

Our two scholarships, of $750 each, were awarded to:
Carmen Zafra
Khalil Droubi

The recipients received $1,000 each! They were:
Ashley Utz
David Villafuerte Contreras

The recipients received $1,250 each! They were:
Logan Marshall
Carmen Contreras

The 2013 recipients each received $1300.00 checks. Here they are, along with their chosen colleges:
Paige Williamson (Azuza Pacific)
Chandra Anderson (Cal Poly)
Lincoln Treanor (Cal Poly)
Congratulations to these deserving athletes!

Each recipient received a $1300 scholarship along with goodie bags containing hats, t-shirts, sleeves, skirt, shorts, water bottles and socks. The funds were raised through our Crystal Springs Watershed runs and coaching fees. The students also received a free entry to the 2012 Half Moon Bay International Marathon. Franz Dill, the HMBIM Director of Training is shown presenting the certificates.
Mitch Martin
Maggie Galle

Each of our 2011 recipients received $500 plus $100 in product donations from Road Runner Sports, $75 gift certificate from Road Runner Sports, and a $50 Zombie Runner gift certificate. Our recipients were:
Dimitry Picchi
Alejandra Marin

The Coastside Running Club handed out two $1300 scholarships to graduating seniors from Half Moon Bay High School who were on the cross-country team. This year's recipients were Sammy Hamilton and Skyler Ferry. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Bryce Williamson and Luke Arella, graduates and cross-country runners of Half Moon Bay High School and recipients of the club's first annual scholarship awards of $650 each. Plus goody bags!